DIY Blog, Tutorials

Boredom Buster 101: How to Make a Boredom Box

How many times in your mom hood do you think you’ve heard the phrase “mom, I’m boooored”? My guess is around 2,693 times. It’s right up there with the phrases, “mom, I’m hungry” and “mom, I need money for…..”. I’ve read a few articles that say it’s good for kids to be bored. It builds problem solving, promotes creativity, and encourages them to use their mind and bodies. Their whole body, not just their thumbs like when they play Mario Cart. So when my kids are bored I try and let them figure it out, which they usually do. However, sometimes its necessary to help their creative process along. So I decided to create a boredom buster to turn to when all else fails, the boredom box.

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