Motivation Quotes for Your Health and Fitness Goals
Body, DIY Blog, Workouts

Motivating Quotes for Your Health and Fitness Goals

Whether you are making a New Year’s resolution or have a new found drive to better yourself, motivation is key in being successful and sticking it out long term as you create habits. I’ve always found quotes to be a good way to lift me up and keep me going. Below is a list of some motivating quotes to inspire you as you work towards your health and fitness goals.

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Home Workouts
Body, DIY Blog, Workouts

Home Workouts You Can Do in 30 Minutes

With all that you have to get done each day, fitting in a workout can often be challenging. Skipping it altogether is tempting, but here’s the catch. When you move your body for just 30 minutes a day you are not only better for yourself, but you are better for those around you. Below are 5 home workouts you can use to create a plan for daily exercise that is quick, effective, and convenient. Plus, be sure to grab our 7-day health challenge to get or stay motivated in your health and fitness goals.

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Body, DIY Blog, Workouts

The Best Workout on the Web: She’s Got Body

If you want to feel motivated to workout, find a routine that you like. It’s easier to fire up your ambition and get the most out of exercise when you find the best workout for YOU. Years ago I found this great workout on Pinterest called “She’s Got Legs”. However, as the title indicates it was a workout that was aimed primarily at toning your legs. I really liked it, but I wanted to tone my entire body. So rather than looking for a different workout I revamped my favorite one and made it into a total body strengthening routine. It now gives your body the best workout all over and it can be done anywhere with just a set of weights and a mat or towel.

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Body, DIY Blog, Workouts

4-Minute Workout You Can Do At Your Bathroom Counter

Isn’t every woman looking for the quickest workout to squeeze into their busy day?  And really what is more true to character than one you can do while multitasking. I do this quick 4-minute workout every night while I brush my teeth. Yes, I’m serious. While I brush my teeth!  Find out what you can do in just 4-minutes per day.

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