Balancing goals
DIY Blog

Balancing Goals with Being a Mom

The trickiest part of pursuing personal goals as a mom is trying to juggle your responsibilities of raising kids and the ones you have assigned to yourself within your goal action plan.  It can be far too easy to get caught up in the pitfalls of wanting to complete your action plan tasks while you have your 2-year old standing next to your desk crying for an apple sauce pouch and your 3rd grader complaining that he doesn’t understand his math homework.   Chances are you are not going to be at your best in either area if you don’t implement an effective method for balancing your goals with being a mom. Below are some suggestions for preparing, managing, and separating your tasks to get the most out of the time you have to focus on them.

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mom with goals
DIY Blog

Why Being a Mom With Goals is Good for Your Kids

So you have goals, and you’re a mom. And sometimes the balance of pursuing those goals and raising your kids can get messy. Sometimes you want to stop, to quit, to press pause on your pursuit of striving for more. Well, I’m here to tell you that despite the hustle and bustle, despite what seems like frantic chaos everyday, and despite the fact you might feel as if you are falling short with your kids because your attention is divided, don’t worry. Believe it or not, the goals you have set for yourself and the actions you are taking to achieve them are actually good for your kids, and here’s how.

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