DIY Blog

7 Ways to Turn a Bad Mom Day Around

You know the days I’m talking about Mommas. The ones when all you do is scold your children, or at least it feels that way. They are the days when you look around your house and feel as if you will never get caught up with all the laundry, or picking up toys scattered in every nook and cranny. The days you are constantly running late and just can’t seem to get it together. Perhaps, you didn’t have your best moment when you lost it in the grocery store check out line because the incessant whining for candy finally got to you. We all have those days. Needless to say, mom-hood is not all sunshine and rainbows. However, I’ve got some things for you to do to beat the mom guilt and frustration, and get you back to knowing that you are more than enough for your children, and a bad day is just a bad day.

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For moms: Those Days
DIY Blog

For Moms: There Will Be Those Days

As a mom of teenage kids down to toddler I can experience a whole array of child related occurrences in a single day. I know the days are long and sometimes, perhaps often, challenging and exhausting. Correction, always exhausting.  By the end of the day and after all of them are safe and warm in their beds it’s about all I can do to drag myself through the rest of my to-do list. From sun up til sun down my day is full of an endless number of tasks. I am doing the things that are by no means glamorous or exciting, but rather necessary, although not uncommon. It is the call of duty taken on by many mothers, every single day, for each and every one of their children. So this is for moms, because although those days are long, the years are short.

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Balancing goals
DIY Blog

Balancing Goals with Being a Mom

The trickiest part of pursuing personal goals as a mom is trying to juggle your responsibilities of raising kids and the ones you have assigned to yourself within your goal action plan.  It can be far too easy to get caught up in the pitfalls of wanting to complete your action plan tasks while you have your 2-year old standing next to your desk crying for an apple sauce pouch and your 3rd grader complaining that he doesn’t understand his math homework.   Chances are you are not going to be at your best in either area if you don’t implement an effective method for balancing your goals with being a mom. Below are some suggestions for preparing, managing, and separating your tasks to get the most out of the time you have to focus on them.

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DIY Blog, Tutorials

Time-Blocking Your Mom Life: Complete Guide

Moms do it all, don’t they? It a single day they wear many hats, take on many roles, and complete more than their share of tasks. So when a momma decides to pursue additional goals, a good method of organization is required to keep track of her jammed packed schedule and lists of to-dos. Time-blocking is a skill that can be adapted into your daily habits to help gain control over the chaos that often reigns supreme in motherhood. With a few steps and a little practice, you’ll soon be planning out your days in true mother hustler style.

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