28 day workout pdf
Body, DIY Blog

28-Day Workout Plan | No Equipment, Do Anywhere.

***Updated*** Last summer I was asked by a friend’s teenage daughter to create a summer workout plan for her so she could stay in shape during her off season from high school sports. I of course jumped at the chance, knowing it was a great opportunity to take all of my favorite workouts from the web and put them together in an unbeatable 28 day get fit plan. Having already tested all of these workouts myself, I am confident that this is a great collection of exercise routines for teens and adults alike to get or stay in shape. Plus, you don’t have to go to the gym or have any equipment to do them.

28-Day Workout Plan

A Workout Plan for You

You will find all of the workouts laid out in a four week plan for you. Each week consists of three workouts, plus a forth optional cardio day.

It is a total body plan designed to get you toned all over and increase your endurance. The best part about it is it’s flexible. I know how busy everyone is these days and how different schedules can be. As a result I created this plan as a guide that you can follow. However, feel free to adjust which days you workout on and what time is best for you.

My biggest piece of advice:

Be sure to add your workouts into your busy schedule. That way you have intentionally set aside time and made your health a priority.

Each workout is clearly pictured. When cardio is listed you can choose the type of cardio you prefer. If you are a runner, run. If you are a walker, walk. If you like variety, mix it up. You can find options for the cardio element in the list below.

There will be an ab workout incorporated into each week that may or may not be repeated within that week.

These workouts have been chosen for their effectiveness AND their convenience. They require no equipment (unless you choose to add it in) and can be done anywhere. You can schedule these workouts into your week for whichever days work best. However, we recommend leaving one day between strength days. For example you can schedule your strength days for M, W, F, with cardio on Saturday. Or squeeze in your cardio on a Tuesday or Thursday.

All cardio days are optional additions but highly recommended. Our 28 Day Workout Plan PDF gives examples of how you might schedule your weeks.

get the Workout Plan PDF

Week 1

W1/Workout 1

  • She’s got legs/25 minutes cardio/tight abs

Start with 25 minutes of cardio. Then move on to this leg workout, She’s Got Legs, which is my absolute favorite. Talk about a leg day, you will feel this one all week long! Finish up with one round of my own tight ab workout. Total time is approximately 60 minutes.

W1/Workout 2

  • The Fab 15 x2/tight abs x2

First do the fab 15 workout (originally from fitfabcities.com) twice through. It will give you an excellent 30 minute total body workout. Then complete this installation with 2 rounds of the tight ab workout from workout 1 (see above).

W1/Workout 3

  • Summer HIIT workout x2/tight abs

High intensity interval training is what HIIT stands for. These types of workouts are meant to push you, raise you heart rate in short bursts with short recovery breaks. This allows your body to not just burn extra calories while you workout but to keep burning them hours after.

Do this HIIT workout two times through. Then don’t forget the abs!! One time through your tight ab workout (see above).

W1/Workout 4 (optional)

  • 30-50 minutes cardio

Remember, this workout is optional. However, it is highly recommended that you try and squeeze it in, even if it’s just a power walk on your lunch break.

Week 2

W2/Workout 1

Begin this workout with 20 minutes of cardio. Next, click on the link to the dream arms video and feel your biceps and triceps burning after just 10 minutes. Finally, move on to two rounds of the tight tummy workout (below).

W2/Workout 2

  • Cardio/Super sweaty abs workout x2

Start this workout with 20 minutes of light-moderate cardio such as walking, elliptical, or easy jog. Then jump into the super sweaty abs workout two times through.

W2/Workout 3

  • 30-50 minutes cardio (optional)

Push yourself during this cardio workout. You get what you give.

W2/Workout 4

  • Wonder Woman workout

You will feel super after conquering this workout. It’s a toughy but a goodie. Repeat the circuit 10 times through. Yes 10! You can do it!

Week 3

W3/Workout 1

  • The 10s workout/ab video trifecta reps of 25

Do the 10s workout then click on the ab video links below. There are three. Each one demonstrates an abdominal exercise. Do 25 reps of each.

Ab demo 1, ab demo 2, ab demo 3

W3/Workout 2

  • 30-50 minute cardio/ab videos x3

Get your cardio in but after that go back to those ab videos from the previous workout and complete 3 sets of 25 reps each.

W3/Workout 3

Yep, it’s back, only better. It’s the first routine from this workout plan, She’s Got Legs, only this time it’s the advanced version. Grab a set of 3-5lb weights. Follow the pictures below to make it a total body workout. No weights? That’s ok, you can still complete the arm movements and work those muscles. Do it once through then do the ab videos once again, 25 reps of each.

100 Squats with upright row

90 waking lunges with alternating bicep curls

80 mountain climbers

70 sumo squats with bicep curl

60 calve raise with lateral raise

50 bridges with chest press

40 Curtsy lunges with tricep pull backs

30 step ups with overhead press

20 squat jumps

10 burpees (can add push up)

W3/Workout 4

  • 30-50 cardio/ ab videos x3 (optional)

One more round of cardio and another round of ab sculpting with the ab videos. 3 sets of 25 reps.

Week 4

W4/Workout 1

This week will focus on long and lean muscles. Get a dancers body with the ballet circuit in workout 1. Then it’s more abs with the core killer workout.

W4/Workout 2

I’m giving your muscles a good stretch with this yoga workout. Afterwards go through the core killer circuit twice.

W4/Workout 3 (optional, but not really)

  • 30-50 minutes Cardio

Since the other workouts this week do not include any strenuous cardio be sure to try your best to fit this session in. Come on! It’s our last week!

W4/Workout 4

  • Yoga workout x2/core killer

This is it! Your last routine from the 28-day workout plan. Let stretch those muscles again round two and three of the above yoga workout and one last time through the core killer circuit.

Cardio options

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Roller blading/skating
  • Stair climbing
  • Cardio classes
  • Elliptical
  • Stationary bike
  • Treadmill
  • Stair mill
  • Row machine

Sports that keep your heart rate increased steadily such as:

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Street hockey
  • Ice hockey
  • Lacrosse
Workout Plan PDF

Happy Exercising!!

Next, check out these healthy posts:

Healthy Breakfast recipe for Power Protein Oatmeal
Get the Best Leggings for Your Workouts
Leggings for Everyone

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